This seemed like my kind of 'Tag'.
Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you!
Fireworks with the Fire Chief
2 years ago
I like this one. Okay the first one that comes to mind is when we(the girls Mandy, Lori etc.)camped out in a tent at your house. We had so much fun telling stories, eating yummy food, etc. I'll have to think a little more and see if I can come up with a better one, but that one was very fun for me. Except we didn't think about the placment of the tent. We were trying to get as far away from the house as possible for privacy and didn't think that it was also far away from the bathroom! :O)
i remember when you were my young womens leader and you had just had emmitt and when we would make food for young womens...we would feed emmitt everything we could to see if he would eat it...i specifically remember lemons...
So many memories. I dropped my favorite purple Jordas headband in your toilet. I also remember chasing peacocks around on your farm to get their feathers. Can't forget all of the walks around your farm. What a blast!
My one memory or my first memory of you was when my dad swung you around his leg and gave you a rug burn on your forehead and how upset you were.
I also remember you coming to visit around 7 yrs ago and we were living on 24th st and Emmitt was a little guy and he would eat his boogers and it would upset you and he was doing it at my house and you chased him around the living room to get him to stop and he would do it and laugh!
Lets see I remember going to girls camp with you and having you and Alison Beard quiz me on almost a daily basis for my written test for my driver's test. By the way thanks I got a 100%!'s a tie between "co-ed bathing", and getting the giggles at the exact wrong time in church! But there are so many fun memories. How about when we went to TN so see Ann? Fun talks on the way! And now we head out for another! Yay!
I have TONS of memories with you. There was that one time when when ashlie wilson and I almost caught you and jason making out on your couch, and that one time we were sleeping over at your house and we were telling ghost/scary stories, and all those times you did my hair for prom! Good times!
Our double date with the guys the time we went to Walmart and you put that giant bra on your head. lol Then youth conference when I kept having the most HORRIBLE things happen to me and you just laughed..kidding you were great. It really was horribly funny.
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