Monday, September 22, 2008


Look at my wordle from my last post. Way fun!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lucky 13

Wow, 13 lucky years.
Thank you Jason for loving me. I have been so blessed to have you. Thank you for giving me the two most wonderful kids. Thank you for loving our kids and spending time with them. Thank you for always being patient with me especially when I am not patient. Thank you for being such a hard worker and loving to provide for our family. Thank you for being so good looking (even if you're missing a "few" hairs, I'm sure I'm the one who made them fall out)Thank you for kissing me every day. Thank you for building us a house with your own two hands, (some day it will be done and beautiful). Thank you for having a Testimony of our Savior, and being a worthy Priesthood holder. Thank you for doing the laundry when you see that I have been slacking (every day). Thank you for finding a way to give me everything I want even if I am being a brat. Thank you for supporting me in my many time consuming church callings. Thank you for rubbing my feet and thinking my feet are cute. Thank you for telling me I'm pretty even when I haven't brushed my hair or I have baby boogers and spit up all over me.
I love you Jason. Happy Anniversary!!!
Am I Lucky or what!?!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What sports car are you?

I am an Audi TT

You're not the fastest, nor the most nimble, but you're cute and you have style. You're not intensely competitive, but when you pass by, everyone turns to look.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So What are you Having for Dinner?

I dropped Constance off at achievment days (Where they are having a movie and pizza party) and came home. I remembered that Emmitt and Jason are gone to scouts and going to DQ after, so I have a house to myself and don't have to make dinner for anyone but me. So look what I had.

Now I am so bloated and I just burped so big I'm sad no one heard it, maybe my neighbor did I should ask him. It's a shame to let those good ones go to waste.

As I was taking my plate to the sink I looked out the window and what did I see.
I guess I am not the only one having dinner right now.
Okay this was a lame-o post, sorry for wasteing your time!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Isn't this peachy

Now, what do I do with all these peaches? It looks like I have my work cut out for me tomorrow. Don't they look yummy!!
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A young man prepared

So Emmitt hit the big 1-2 this past week (the 28th) and on Sunday he was ordained a Deacon ( in the Aaronic Preisthood. He is such a fun kid and I love that he has blessed our family with his wit and sense of humor.
In our family we have a tradition that on your b-day you get to have what ever you want for dinner. So I asked Emmitt what he wanted a few days before his big day. I always expect them to tell me what they want me to fix, but for some reason they always say where they want to go. (What, am I really that bad of a cook?!?!) So Emmitt says he wants to go to Young's it's a fun Japanese resturant where they cook at your table. It was great. Good Choice Emmitt!!! Also the kids get to pick what kind of cake they want again I expect them to tell me what kind they want me to make and usually that's not what they want. So when I ask Emm what he wants he say's you'll need to get together with Kim 'cause I want a big cookie (for those who don't know Kim is known for her yummy cookies - she's the best) well my heart breaks and I relize that my kids have no faith in my cooking abilities, what kind of mom am I?!?!?! Here is our conversation:

Me : Really, Emmitt I don't need Kim I can do it.
Emmitt: Well mom, I really think you better get together with Kim.
Me: (my heart breaking and a quiver in my voice) I know I can do it. It will be the best big cookie you've ever had.
Emmitt: (noticing that my feelings are hurt) Okay mom you can do it. (with a look in his eyes that say, well there goes my b-day "cake")

Notice the pictures above see the cookie. Looks really good huh, so there I can do it. I love ya Kim but I didn't need you. Okay let's be honest now. Let me just say it's a really good thing Emmitt loves cookie dough.
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